Saturday, January 31, 2009

Traditional Ethnic Designs

When it comes to buying ethnic clothes there are a wealth of patterns and techniques which produce really amazing designs and prints that transform simple styles into colourful unique clothes.This article talks about some of the block printing techniques that are used to produce the designs and also describes where the designs come from.
This is traditionally a region where textiles have been the main form of work for the people for hundreds of years. Only now is this changing as companies outsource their industries to India and textiles have to start to take a back seat in the rapid growth of the country.. The prints are traditionally printed in a combination of red, black and indigo with highlights in green and yellow. The villagers in Bagru also carry on the traditional prints of Jaipur - this is because the city has expanded so quickly that the textile industry in the area is no longer. Quite often block printing also involves some resist dyeing to accentuate the design and add additional shades to the design. Mud is often used as a resist. This too is carried out in Bagru to great effect. The thing that makes this technique unique is that depending on the amount of ink on the block the pattern will not be completely uniform ensuring that every garment made from the piece of fabric will be completely individual in its pattern.


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