Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hi can you help me?

Dear Sir/Madam,


My name is Mark am I am blogger for an addiction website, “Ocean Recovery”. I was researching the occurrence of addiction amongst veterans when I discovered your website.


I am writing to you today to ask if you will link to the article I wrote on the subject of veterans and addiction that was based on this research. The article is titled A-Z Guide to Veterans and Addiction.


This article can be found here:


I suggest you add the link to your 'useful links' page or somewhere else that makes sense to add it to.


I wrote the following HTML code for you that describes the link you could choose to place on your website.


<A HREF="">The A-Z Guide to Veterans and Addiction</A>: This guide aims to build awareness of the plight experienced by many veterans when it comes to addiction. The guide also provides tips on how to help a veteran who suffers from an addiction.


Thank you in advance for your consideration for adding this link. Please contact me via Email or Telephone as soon as you are able to.




Mark Ainsworth

Addiction worker

Ocean Recovery Centre





Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hi can you help me?

Dear Sir/Madam,


My name is Paul am I am blogger for the highly acclaimed addiction website, “Ocean Recovery Centre”. I was researching the occurrence of addiction amongst veterans when I discovered your website. Your website is extremely well-constructive and informative.


I am writing to you today to ask if you will link to the article I wrote on the subject of veterans and addiction that was based on this research. The article is titled A-Z Guide to Veterans and Addiction.


This article can be found here.


I suggest you add the link from your 'useful resources' or 'useful links page' or some other suitable page.


I wrote the following HTML code for you that describes the link you could choose to place on your website.


<A HREF="">The A-Z Guide to Veterans and Addiction</A>: This guide aims to build awareness of the plight experienced by many veterans when it comes to addiction. The guide also provides tips on how to help a veteran who suffers from an addiction.


Thank you in advance for your consideration for adding this link. Please contact me via Email or Telephone as soon as you are able to.




Paul Clarke.

Addiction worker

Ocean Recovery Centre



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